CreateCATT believes that positive human relationships are fundamental, not only for optimum child development, but also as the foundations for stable societies, global collaborations and economic and environmental sustainability. We call this NURTURE CAPITAL. Here in this paper we outline what this is, why it matters and how it could help us reshape our global agenda in a post Covid world.
"Nurture capital is a holistic way of circulating, emphasising and directing all forms of capital to create and maintain a more equitable and sustainable system. It refers to all resources linked to the demonstration of care and concern for the wellbeing of others, and the practice of activities concerned with long-term benefit of society. It is an attitude that can be applied to all other forms of capital. So, financial capital can be allocated with nurture in mind; intellectual capital and social capital can also nurture. Nurture capital in turn can be translated into financial capital in the form of payment; into social capital in the form of respect and admiration; into intellectual capital in the form of understanding of the benefits to society; and any of these can be transformed back into nurture capital.
It is an alternative way of looking at the world, and of being in the world. The concept channels all resources linked to care and concern for the wellbeing of people and planet, and activities concerned with the good of society and the people in it. It does not seek to overthrow the economic model – it is not so idealistic or naïve. What it does set out to do is to explore what would happen if the current, deteriorating, extractive system were augmented by a new, flourishing, nurturing mindset. It considers what would happen if growth were pursued with an eye for all stakeholders rather than shareholders, and how that can be put in place.
The reality that the current way of the world is neither fair not sustainable is so evident it scarcely needs discussion. Yet it endures – in part because vested interests keep things as they are, and in part because it’s not clear what could take its place. Overcoming vested interests is beyond the remit of this white paper; instead, we offer an alternative in the form of nurture capital. Nurture capital is a holistic way of circulating, emphasising and directing all forms of capital to create and maintain a more equitable and sustainable system. It refers to all resources linked to the demonstration of care and concern for the wellbeing of others, and the practice of activities concerned with long-term benefit of society. Our call to action is to articulate this and advocate for it at all levels of society."
Download the full white paper here to find out more.
1. What is Nurture Capital?
2. One Capital Among Many
3. The Problem of Economical Capital
4. Thought Experiments for a World with Nurture Capital. What Happens If…?
a) …the Dalai Lama runs Davos?
b) …robots take our jobs?
c) …we plant a trillion trees?
d) …schools focused on relationships as well as grades?
e) …love has a value?
f) …everywhere is Bhutan?
5. Call to Action
With special thanks to our inspiring partners, collaborators and supporters and all the people who have nurtured us over the years and inspired us with their kindness, compassion and generosity of spirit.